
21 de julio de 2010

Ontologías, imagenes, bases de datos y Biología Evolutiva - Dr. Martin Ramírez

Presentación del Dr. Ramirez

Articulo relacionado:

Ramírez, M. J., J. A. Coddington, W. P. Maddison, P. E. Midford, L. Prendini, J. Miller, C. E. Griswold, G. Hormiga, P. Sierwald, N. Scharff, S. P. Benjamin, W. C. Wheeler. 2007. Linking of digital images to phylogenetic data matrices using a morphological ontology. Systematic Biology, 56, 283–294.


SUPRAMAP: A web application for integrating genetic, evolutionary, geospatial, and temporal data.

Dan Janies - Results, datasets, and background information; registration, bug reports, and general inquiries about the project.
