
16 de mayo de 2011

Manual para realizar análisis espaciales

Este es un manual que nos enseña como realizar distintos análisis espaciales para describir la distribución y diversidad de los organismos.

Scheldeman, Xavier and van Zonneveld, Maarten. 2010. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-92-9043-880-9

Aunque esta enfocado en Plantas, me parece muy interesante. Aquí tienen el link de la página:

"This training manual is intended for scientists and students who work with biodiversity data and are interested in developing skills to effectively carry out spatial analysis based on (free) GIS applications with a focus on diversity and ecological analyses.
These analyses offer a better understanding of spatial patterns of plant diversity and distribution, helping to improve conservation efforts. The training manual focuses on plants of interest for improving livelihoods (e.g. crops, trees and crop wild relatives) and/or those which are endangered."

y estos son los Capítulos en formato ZIP:

 2.1 Importing observation data (103 KB)
 2.2 Importing climate data (258.2 MB)
 3.1 Basic elements (121.7 MB)
 3.2 Export to Google Earth (1.0 MB)
 4.1 Quality control – Administrative units (13.6 MB)
 4.2 Quality control – Atypical points (3.9 MB)
 5.1 Species diversity (4.0 MB)
 5.2 Diversity - Phenotypic data (8.4 MB)
 5.3 Diversity - Molecular marker data (4.0 MB)
 5.4 Conservation strategies (6.8 MB)
 6.1 Realized niche (12 KB)
 6.2 Potential distribution (9.8 MB)
 6.3 Climate change (29.7 MB)
 6.4 Gap analysis (12.7 MB)

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