
4 de junio de 2012

Dos Latinos galardonados con el premio GBIF "E. Nielsen"

Aquí les coloco parte de la información tomada de la página (GBIF):

Two biogeographers were selected to receive the €4,000 Young Researchers Award, presented annually to biodiversity informatics students enrolled in a master’s or doctoral programme at universities in countries which are GBIF Participants.

Salvador Arias, a PhD student at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán in Argentina, developed the Vicariance Inference Programme (VIP), which uses georeferenced data to explore the splitting of the geographical ranges of groups of organisms because of barriers to gene flow or species movement. Arias plans to process GBIF-mediated data through the VIP to formulate hypotheses on how species distributions have changed over time.

Elkin Tenorio Moreno is a master’s student at the Department of Biological Sciences, Universidad de los Andes in Colombia. He plans to use the award to analyse dispersal patterns of Amazonian and Andean birds across climatic and geographic barriers, generating climatic niche models for over 500 bird species using GBIF-mediated data from natural history collections.

Leonard Krishtalka added, “Salvador Arias’ and Elkin Tenorio’s investigations embody the innovation and originality called for in the GBIF Young Researchers Award. Arias’ doctoral research project will affect biodiversity science worldwide in developing an analytical tool for modelling the spatial distribution of animals and plants using GBIF-served biodiversity data. Tenorio, the first master’s student to receive the YRA, will investigate how the dispersal ability of birds affects their numbers of species and evolutionary potential.”
Felicitaciones a Salvador y Elkin... !!!

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