
12 de junio de 2013

Áreas de Endemismo: Metodología y Aplicaciones Biogeográficas...

Deseo compartir este Capítulo del libro: Current Progress in biological research

Dra Dolores Casagranda and Dra Mercedes Lizarralde de Grosso (2013). Areas of Endemism: Methodological and Applied Biogeographic Contributions from South America, Current Progress in Biological Research, Dr. Marina Silva-Opps (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1097-2, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/55482. Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/current-progress-in-biological-research/areas-of-endemism-methodological-and-applied-biogeographic-contributions-from-south-america

Areas of Endemism: Methodological and Applied Biogeographic Contributions from South America

The geographic distribution of organisms is the subject of Biogeography, a field of biology that naturalists have carried out for over two centuries [1-6]. From the observation of animal and plant distribution, diverse questions emerge; the description of diversity gradients; delimitation of areas of endemism; identification of ancestral areas and search of relationships among areas, among others, have become major issues to be analyzed, worked out and solved. In this way,  biogeography  has  turned  into  a multi-layered  discipline  with  both  theoretical  and analytical frameworks and far-reaching objectives.

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